This is race-baiting. Stop peddling the conspiracy theory that the first ever POC killed by Guards in the states history had racist overtones. The man tried to Rob a shop and attacked Garda with a knife. It was either the Guards life or his. I'm glad it was the guard and not the criminal that got home to see his family.

P.S. Millions of people who have mental illness don't commit criminal acts, personal responsibility is a thing.

P. P. S

Your view is in the absolute minority outside the followers of the wokist cults doctrine in the twittersohere so enough of this 'Far Right'

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He buddy, your swastika is showing.

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No rebuttal to my points and a nazi reference, yeah you are certainly one of those illiberal wokists

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You can't rebut turd opinions. Fuck your feelings, bitch

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Oh sorry I thought I was talking to an adult. Hope English class goes well, you need it.

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For anything further, please refer to my earlier comment re: your feelings.

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As someone who worked in mental health services for years, I find it utterly amazing how many people make uninformed yet immensely confident statements about people who suffer with mental health issues.

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There is absolutely no race baiting in this article. As for wokist. There is no mention of a wok in this article. Fellas try to Rob shops and threaten Gardaí with knives Avery week unfortunately. Known of them get shot.

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Do you not think analyzing the current system and making any changes that could prevent this happening is just a good thing? If it was a white man we would be just as upset. Racism is real and it’s normal to question how much of a part that played. It would be weird not to include that in our list of things to consider.

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